The standard turnaround time for a preview is 4-6 business hours, Monday-Friday.
What is your most important goal for this announcement?*
Consumer reach
Media coverage (earned media)
Video/photo engagement
If other, please specify here:
Other than your company/campaign logo, how many multimedia assets do you want to include on your landing page?
Which Distribution Extras would you like to use?
All of these are included in the MNR base package.
Times Square Photo Distribution
Upgrade your snapshot of your photo on Times Square and receive a high-resolution image taken from the ground floor.
Social Post
Craft a 280-character tweet, we publish it to two of PR Newswire's industry-specific Twitter feeds
Online Video Distribution
Only available for Full MNRs. Choose one video and a 40-character title, and we’ll post it to MultiVu's accounts on YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.
Would you like to learn about additional add-ons?
These can be added for an additional fee. Please check any options that interest you and we will contact you with more information. We will not invoice these without your approval.
High-Resolution Times Square Snapshot
Send one photo + headline to the Reuters Sign in Times Square. More info here
Cision Influencer Lists
Supplement your wire (press release) distribution and reach journalists who have opted to receive news on niche segments within the industry he or she covers.
International/Multicultural distributions
Reach media and consumers outside of the US, and/or multicultural audiences within the US.
Placed Media
Reach audiences across the web and drive traffic to a target destination via display ads. The base package includes some as is, but we have additional options that can further supplement reach.